Friday 6 July 2012

Wiggle on Tour

Wiggle, the online cycling store is a firm favourite with enthusiasts up and down the country.

Nothing makes a grown man want to buy more kit than watching some live action on the TV, which means that when the Tour De France kicks off, Wiggle has to ensure that they’re front of mind for that 'essential' purchase of a 4th bike or 3rd aero wheel.

But when official sponsors are spending a fortune supporting teams, how does a brand like Wiggle even get a look in on a minuscule budget. Well, in 2012 they’ve made the inspired decision of sponsoring a modern day icon of the race, instantly recognisable to anyone that’s followed the tour in the past… Didi the Devil.

Every year since 1993 Didi Senft has been driven by his passion for cycling and transformed himself into the Devil. Didi made his costume choice after learning that commentators refer to the last kilometre of cycle event stages as 'the Devil's Lap'. He has an established group of fans who look forward to seeing him at the roadside of the world's most famous cycling event every year. A regular at both the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia, Didi is instantly recognisable because of his bright red outfit, firing up passing cyclists with motivational shouts and running alongside to spur them on.
It's great to see a brand thinking differently about how to capitalise on such a major event in the sport. Didi’s red outfit will turn orange for a couple of the stages as well as him featuring in Wiggle’s press/online advertising and CRM.

Wiggle advertising

Wiggle email to past customers

The cut through and the PR is impressive, never mind the ambush potential on the live TV feed and highlight shows across Europe. And it doesn't stop there, Wiggle are encouraging people to interact with their site further by using Didi's Trident symbol as a treasure hunt prize across their site - to collect them, simply add the product page to your wish list, another nice example of taking the idea through the shopper journey all the way to purchase.

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