Sunday 5 February 2012

Telesales, Nespresso style

I got a phone call this week from Nespresso. They asked if I received my recent order. I did. Where’s this going I thought? Friendly chat? My views on the product? Maybe even a free trial? Sadly not, a young lady paused for a quick breath before launching into a sales script of everything from de-scaler to new types of coffee available.

Why Nespresso is behaving like a life assurance company I don’t know but the whole experience was a big turn off. A friendly ‘feedback’ chat would have been fair enough, but the scripted hard sell was not only wasting my time, it was unlikely to ever be effective. Why tell me I can get de-scaler online when you’ve contacted me on the telephone and why offer me more coffee less than a month after I bought a 6 month supply, that you’ve just called me to check I received?

A shame the smooth advertising doesn’t extend to the after sales service.

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