Monday 19 December 2011

The future looks good for F-commerce

In 2006, Dr Robert Cialdini set out six universal  principles in order to understand the art of influence and persuasion.

Recent studies on the first F-commerce sites to launch worldwide highlights the natural advantage that social networks, particularly Facebook hold in being able to capitalise on these psychological traits. A full info graphic was developed by tabjuice and can be viewed here.

Social Proof: 81% of customers seek reassurance from friends and family members on social networking sites before purchasing products

Authority: 77% of online shoppers use reviews to make purchase decisions

Scarcity: 77% of people like getting exclusive offers that they can redeem via Facebook. We assign more value to products that are less available

Like: 50% of shoppers have made a purchase based on the recommendation of the people they follow (and like) on social networks. We follow those we like and do the things they do

Consistency: Purchases made from the brands we trust reinforce our future shopping patterns, 61% of online shoppers are more likely to be brand loyal

Reciprocity: We have an innate desire to repay favours in order to maintain social fairness, whether those favours are invited or not – and this is the very essence of Facebook, the connect and deals services will encourage this sharing behaviour yet further.

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